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Sunday, January 05, 2014

High Expectations for Health Big Data

As expected, rich expectations, but also many constraints that are still untested.  And lack of understanding of the possibilities.

" ... Survey results released ...  from the Society of Actuaries (SOA) find that healthcare executives have high expectations for the benefits Big Data will bring to the healthcare industry. However, most of these leaders have yet to see substantial benefits, as difficulties in finding the right talent to leverage the business opportunities from large data sets and a lack of funding are hindering its application.

Of the 258 decision makers at health insurance companies, hospitals and health systems surveyed by the SOA, two-thirds say they are excited about the future potential of Big Data (66 percent) and the majority (87 percent) agrees that Big Data is an important development that will have at least some impact on their business in the future.  But, about half the respondents indicated Big Data provides little to no business benefit now (49 percent). ...  " 

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